Customs Clearances

On Time Fleets Logistics Customs can coordinate customs clearance for your import shipments rapidly, reliably and accurately anywhere in Malaysia. When appropriate, truck, airfreight or oceanfreight shipments will be pre-cleared using the Malaysia Customs electronic systems. On Time Fleets Logistics will also clear your Singapore bound entries through Singapore Customs thus making On Time Fleets Logistics your single source provider of Customs Services.

On Time Fleets Logistics Customs is a full service Customs Broker and a proud member of the On Time Fleets Logistics Sdn Bhd.
Our organization has been built on the strengths of experienced industry managers, qualified staff and Certified Customs Specialists who have extensive knowledge in all aspects of International Trade.

  • Clearance of shipments arriving via sea, air, truck or rail
  •  Customs releases at any Malaysian port of entry
  • Singapore customs clearance
  • PARS (Pre Arrival Review System)
  • Temporary imports
  • New product line consultation
  • Rulings – H.S. classifications
  • Client record audits and pre-emptive
  • Non-resident importer (NRI) management program
  • Refund claims and amends
  • Duty drawbacks
  • Duty deferral program consulting
  • Compliance verification audits consulting

Please contact at (+6019) 7270143 for more information.